This is the thing I am most passionate about: helping individuals save time at work so that you've got more time for family, friends, wellbeing. Or to generate more value for yourself so that you're more employable, you get promoted, you get more opportunities to change careers, move companies, whatever you want to do to earn more money. So, either earning more money or saving time to spend with your friends, family and just living.
What productivity means to me? Two quick stories that might help shape that.
When I was in my accounting college, so after university I decided to do accounting, and a lecturer there said to us "if you always try to work yourself out of a job, you will never be without a job." And that's stuck with me throughout my entire career and was exemplified by the next story.
When I was employed as a temp in accounts to sort out their fixed asset register employed for two weeks. Everyone else that had done it before had taken 2 weeks. The permanent member of staff takes 2 weeks to do it every year, going through fixed asset register and updating the depreciation for another year. And they have a spreadsheet there that had all t stuff on there and they got a calculator to work the number out and then typed it back into Excel. There were no formulas in Excel.
So, I put some formulas in the top line, checked them, copied it down, spent another 20 minutes checking And literally two weeks work is now done in a minute, or 30 minutes if you're being generous for checking.
Two weeks or 30 minutes, that is insane productivity gain, isn't it?
So imagine what you can do with that extra time if you're taking stuff that used to take you 2 weeks down to 30 minutes. Excel is a great example of where you can speed some time up because not a lot of people know all the functions Excel can do. But as we'll see, the most amount of time you can save is usually the emails and meetings if you're a knowledge worker.
But that's what productivity means to me, saving people a meaningful amount of time that you can reinvest in whatever you want to reinvest it in: growing more revenue or value for yourself, or getting more value out in living, travelling, seeing friends and family, wherever you choose to do so.